How Team extension powers up your business ?

The team extension is defined as the process through which a company entrusts one or more of its secondary activities to an external service provider.

This extension relies more and more on new technologies, designated by the terms “outsourcing”, “subcontracting”, or even “BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)”, the outsourcing allows the company whatever its size and its field of activity, to be able to concentrate on one’s main activity.

Resorting to the outsourcing by entrusting part of its activities to a specialized external service provider, offers more than ever the opportunity for companies to gain in agility, efficiency and to be able to refocus on their main activities.

In addition to the cost savings, the company benefits from the experience and expertise of specialist BPO service providers and the sophisticated technological means they use to carry out their missions.

Our outsourcing model

Companies can therefore take benefit of these advantages as well as the advice of these experts to initiate their digital conversion process.

Taking advantage of the business expertise of its advisers, the pool of digital talents and the digital technology made available in such structures, are all advantages that can improve the commitment of companies.

By providing them with the support, advice and guidance they need, specialized service providers become partners of choice for businesses.

Outsourcing services

  • Build with Raynov your Moroccan team extension and tap into a wide talent pool with tailored experts.
  • Take avail of team extension model for more flexibility and less risks.
  • Save expenses and scale faster.
  • Get max results with min effort

  • Access to talent pool

  • Transparent pricing model

  • Faster Time to Market

  • Controlled Hiring

Partnership with RAYNOV

  • Hiring the right team extension

Check the experience
Consider the culture fit
Control the teamwork
Set the goal of the project
Create an onboarding process for new team members
Formalize workflows

  • Management team

Identifies all the tasks involved in the delivering the project.
Identifies all the project stakeholders
Identifies the responsibilities, accountabilities and who will be consulted and informed for each task.
Ensures that there is no task that have more than one stakeholder accountable.

Advantages and benefits


Save precious time, cost and gain access to a big talent network by outsoucing your projects to offshore services


We’ve assisted international leaders in different innovative industries to design, develop, test and align their apps to markets needs


Find out our services and reduce the time to market with our team experts